Friday, May 1, 2009

So long, preschool

Yesterday was Mana and Alani's last day of preschool. We really weren't expecting it to go this way. Mana has been at this preschool since she was 18 months old, and having just turned 4 in Feb, she has to wait another year for kindergarten. Alani has been attending for the last 6 months as well, and has learned so much there, and made good friends. So why take them out of preschool now, when Mana is ripe for learning?
Well, with the rising price of the preschool, (since they have to make ends meet too), coupled with my furlough (10% paycut) and the slow-down of work at UPS, it no longer made sense financially. So, while it is sad to have to pull them out, we are excited to get our old babysitter back! And Alani still remembers her. So, a new chapter begins for the kids, and now Robb will be back to being almost full-time dad. Thanks Robb, you're the greatest!!!

The greatest dad

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